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Processing of temporary registration for foreigners arriving from other countries

1. Within three days* from the date of arrival foreign citizens and stateless persons must address to the Bodies of internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, in particular the Department of migration and citizenship processing  of district (city)  units of internal affairs.

* excluding holidays and weekends (Sunday)

Forms of temporary registration

The Internal Affairs bodies of Uzbekistan carry out temporary registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the following forms:

1. In accommodation facilities and medical institutions:

the notification is sent by the administration of tourist information centers, accommodation facilities and medical institutions through a specialized electronic automated program via the Internet at the time of their settlement/treatment or by inviting (hosting) persons, including tourist operators-before the tour.

2. In the residential area of individuals inviting (hosting) foreign citizens and stateless persons in Uzbekistan for private purposes, provided that they are for non-commercial purposes

If the period does not exceed 30 days, inviting (hosting) individuals send notifications

  • at the time of settlement through a specialized electronic automated Program via the Internet


  • within 3 days (excluding holidays and weekends (Sunday) by written request to the internal Affairs bodies.

If their period of stay exceeds 30 days,

  • notifications are sent within 3 days (excluding holidays and weekends (Sunday) only by written request to the Internal Affairs bodies.

3. Independent processing of temporary registration by foreign citizens and stateless persons

within 3 days after arrival by contacting the tourist information centers or nearby accommodation facilities or through specialized electronic automated Program via the Internet-by independent — data filling indicating the settlements along the route.

4. In private houses (apartments) that provide accommodation services

it is done by responsible persons of means of placement on the basis of the written agreement (agreement) on rendering services in placement or independently by owners of these houses (apartments), by means of the specialized electronic automated Program through the Internet.


List of documents required for submission

For temporary residence permit up to 30 days

The invited (receiving) persons are authorized in the specialized electronic automated Program via the Internet and use it to pay the tourist (hotel) fee and send the following documents to the territorial internal affairs bodies in electronic form (or refer directly to the written form):

  • application;
  • a copy of the national passport or document for the stateless person invited;
  • copies of the written consent of the homeowner to a temporary residence permit and title documents for housing;
  • receipt of payment of tourist (hotel) collection (in case of a written request from internal affairs agencies.

For temporary registration for more than 30 days

inviting (hosting) persons, organizations shall submit to the territorial bodies of internal Affairs at the place of their location the following documents:

  • application;
  • a written request from the host organization or persons;
  • national passport or document for a stateless person;
  • written consent of the homeowner to a temporary residence permit and title documents for housing;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.


For temporary registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons for the period of validity of entry visa and for extension of temporary registration for the period of visa validity extension:

Up to 1 month


Up to 2 months

40 USD

Up to 3 months

60 USD

Up to 6 months

100 USD

Up to 1 year

200 USD

Up to

hree years

300 USD


For temporary registration of citizens of member states of the CIS, as well as persons, arrived from member states of the CIS with passports of former USSR, where there is  no citizenship marks for the period of

Up to one month


More than one month up to six months


More than six months

10 USD

Processing of temporary registration of foreigners arriving from other regions of the Republic and who has a residence permit

1. Persons with residence permit in Uzbekistan within a 3 day period from the day of arrival from one region to another region of the country should contact the internal Affairs Bodies, in particular the Department of migration and citizenship processing of district (city) units of internal Affairs.

2. Persons who have a residence permit in Uzbekistan and who have arrived in hotels, medical institutions, sanatoriums, rest homes and other similar organizations of the country, are registered upon their arrival by the administration of these institutions on the basis of a residence permit or travel document

List of documents required for submission:
  • application
  • residence permit or travel document of a stateless person;
  • birth certificate - for persons under the age of 16;
  • original housing document (copies are made, originals are returned);
  • application (consent) of the owner (owners) of housing for the provision of living space or a notarized application (consent) when it is impossible to submit personally;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for registration

State duty:

For temporary registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons for the period of validity of visa and for the extension of temporary registration permit for the period of extension of the visa

Up to1 month


Up to 2 month

40 USD

Up to 3 month

60 USD

Up to 6 month

100 USD

Up to 1 year

200 USD

Up to 3 years

300 USD


For temporary registration of citizens member states of the CIS, as well as persons, arrived from member states of the CIS with passports of former USSR, where there are no citizenship check marks, for the period of

Up to  1 month


More than 1 month up to 6 months


More than 6 months

10 USD

Period of consideration:

After examination and processing of documents  within a 1 day period internal affairs bodies  process a  temporary registration with the notation in the residence permit or issues a leaflet on temporary registration in the region with protected BARE-CODE.

The period of validity of temporary registration - from 3 days to 6 months at the place of stay without extract from permanent residence.

Extension of temporary registration

To extend the temporary registration, the inviting (hosting) persons or organizations should contact the territorial internal affairs bodies  within 3 working days before the expiration of the temporary registration.

Extension is carried out on the basis of:

  • written applications from host organizations;
  • written requests of inviting (hosting) persons, organizations;
  • written statements of foreign citizens and stateless persons themselves, who  arrived  without invitations from third parties.

Exemption from temporary registration

The following individuals are exempted from temporary registration:

a) the heads of state and government of foreign countries, members of parliamentary and governmental delegations, technical staff of these delegations, members of the families of the persons listed above;

b) persons who arrived in Uzbekistan on passports issued by the UN;

c) persons accredited in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

d) persons under  the age of 16;

e) persons arriving to Uzbekistan on holidays and weekends or for a period of up to 3 days on ordinary days and leaving the Republic during these days;

f) persons making a trip, if the period of their stay in each specific location of the Republic does not exceed 3 days, upon the presence of documents confirming the fact of stay. Thus the requirement of continuous registration in one location  is not established;

g) members of crews of foreign military aircraft (vessels) who arrived in Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure;

h) persons who are part of the crews of foreign vehicles engaged in the carriage of goods and passengers in international traffic, while they are in cities and towns on the routes of transportation, including at destination;

i) persons, included in crews of foreign non-military ships being in garrisons and boundary cities, and in case of organized departures of these persons for excursions — in other cities of Uzbekistan also;

g) persons, included in crews of civil aircrafts of international airlines, trains brigades of international rail traffic, while in the airports or at the stations listed in the current schedule.

IMPORTANT: Some provisions of registration of temporary registration

1. Temporary Registration is not a ground :

  • for purchase of a house;
  • getting a permanent job and social guarantees.

2. Temporary registration of foreigners who arrived in a particular region of Uzbekistan from another region to study is carried out with an extraction of him or her from the former place of residence for the period of study.

***Educational institutions shall notify internal affairs bodies  who issued a temporary registration at the place of temporary stay on the date of the decision on:

  • transfer to another educational institution located outside a certain area;
  • academic leave;
  • expulsion from the educational institution.

On the basis of this notification, internal affairs bodies annuls a temporary registration.
